KidsAbility Ambassador Nathan wows Rotarians
We were pleased to have Nathan, this year’s KidsAbility Cambridge Ambassador, join us this morning along with his mother Jenna.
Nathan’s life began with many doubts. There were doubts that he would survive and if he did, doubts that he would be able to move past the words “can’t” and “won’t”. Doctors diagnosed Nathan with Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita and Multiminicore Myopathy; both are complicated terms that mean, in short, a joint and muscle disorder. For Nathan, his hands and feet were turned in and his muscles were so weak that he couldn’t hold his head up. At six-months old, his family brought him to KidsAbility for weekly appointments.
Jenna, spoke to us about how through the therapy and support that Nathan benefits from at KidsAbility, he is being empowered with the skills to transform “can’t” into “can” and “won’t” into “will”.