The Fentanyl Crisis in Cambridge and what the Grassroots Group "For A Better Cambridge" is Doing About It.
Dr. Hank Nykamp, Coroner for the City of Cambridge spoke to the Rotary Club of Cambridge Sunrise on Friday, Oct. 6th about the fentanyl crisis in Cambridge. During the past year, Dr Nykamp says the number of drug overdose-related deaths in Cambridge has doubled.
Police, crime prevention and health officials are teaming up to educate the public about the dangers of fentanyl and how to access and administer the live-saving antidote, giving more time for help to arrive. Unfortunately, that message sometimes comes too late.
Dr Nykamp has already been speaking with city and region officials, and well as staff at different health and social service agencies, about the fentanyl crisis and the impacts it’s having on the community.
“What we need is a grass-roots organization to start dealing with this,” he said. “We can reverse this by working together.”
That grass-roots organization is "For A Better Cambridge" which is comprised of local volunteers looking to make a difference and improve the quality of life for all residents of Cambridge through adequate facilities and support, resources and help.
Rotarians Morgan Jones and Dr. Mike Lawrie, along with Dr. Hank Nykamp, past president of Cambridge Rotary Sunrise.